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1. L. M. Wang, T. W. Yang*, C. Y. Wang, D. Shen, J. M. Chen, K. L. Chen and S. H. Liao, (2018 Dec.) Magnetic nanoparticle images and assaying biomarkers via the magnetic relaxation of biofunctionalized nanoparticles associated with biotargets, Published in: IEEE Sensors Journal (Early Access: 本人為第一作者.[2017/2018 IF:2.617, PHYSICS, APPLIED: 41/148 = 27.7%].

2. C. W. Wang, C. N. Kuo, H. F. Liu, C. S. Lue, L. M. Wang, J. W. Lin, K. C. Rule, and J. S. Gardner (2018 Dec.). Observation of a second-order distortion in Nd3Co4Sn13, Physica B: Condensed Matter,  551, 12. [2017/2018 IF:1.453, PHYSICS, CONDENSED MATTER:47/67 = 70.1% ]. CITATIONS: 1

3. Ying-Ting Chan, Chih-Yi Wang, Tsung-Chi Wu, Dong Shen, Chi-Te Liang*, and Li-Min Wang*, (2018 May). Magnetotransport properties and pseudogap phase diagram of superconducting EuBa2Cu3Oy thin films: the influence of Eu substitution. New Journal of Physics, 20, 063047. 本人為通訊作者. [2017/2018 IF:3.579, PHYSICS, MULTIDISCIPLINARY: 11/78=14.1%]. CITATIONS: 0

4. C.W. Tseng, C.N. Kuo, B.S. Li, L.M. Wang, A.A. Gippius, Y.K. Kuo, and C.S. Lue (2018 Feb.) Transport and NMR characteristics of the skutterudite-related compound Ca3Rh4Sn13. Solid State Communications, 270, 26. [2017/2018 IF:1.549, PHYSICS, CONDENSED MATTER: 45/61=67.2%]. CITATIONS: 1

5. Kuen-Lin Chen, Yan-Shin Lin, Jian-Ming Chen, Chiu-Hsien Wu, Chien-Chung Jeng, and Li-Min Wang (2018 Apr). A Sensitive Platform for In Vitro Immunoassay Based on Biofunctionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles and Magneto-Optical Faraday Effect. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 258, 947. [2017/2018 IF:5.667, INSTRUMENTS&INSTRUMENTATION: 2/61=3.28%]. CITATIONS: 0

6. L M Wang, Chih-Yi Wang, Sha-Min Zen, Jin-Yuan Chang,C N Kuo,C S Lue, L J Chang, Y Su, Th Wolf, and P Adelmann (2017, Mar). Non-Fermi-liquid to Fermi-liquid transports in iron-pnictide Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2 and the electronic correlation strength in superconductors newly probed by the normal-state Hall angle. New Journal of Physics, 19, 033039. MOST 104-2112-M-002-008-MY2.本人為第一作者、通訊作者. [2017/2018 IF:3.579, PHYSICS, MULTIDISCIPLINARY: 11/78=14.1%]. CITATIONS: 0

7. C. Y. Wang, T. W. Yang, D. Shen, K. L. Chen*, J. M. Chen, S. H. Liao, J. J. Chieh, H. C. Yang, and L. M. Wang* (2017, Mar). Bioassay using blocking temperature: Interparticle interactions between biofunctionalized magnetic nanoparticles conjugated with biotargets. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 110, 133701. MOST 104-2112-M-002-008-MY2. 本人為通訊作者.[ 2017/2018 IF:3.495, PHYSICS, APPLIED: 29/146=19.9%]. CITATIONS: 1

8. B. Ramachandran, K. K. Wu, Yung-Kang Kuo, L S Guo, and Li-Min Wang (2016, Dec). Compositional effects on the low-temperature transport properties of non-stoichiometric Bi2TexSey-based crystals. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50, 025302. [2017/2018 IF:2.373, PHYSICS, APPLIED: 54/146=37.0%]. CITATIONS: 0

9. Kuen-Lin Chen, Yao-Wei Yeh, Jian-Ming Chen, Yu-Jie Hong, Tsung-Lin Huang, Zu-Yin Deng, Chiu-Hsien Wu, Shu Hsien Liao, and Li-Min Wang (2016, Oct). Influence of magnetoplasmonic γ-Fe2O3/Au core/shell nanoparticles on low-field nuclear magnetic resonance. Scientific Reports, 6, 35477. [2017/2018 IF:4.122, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES: 12/64=18.8%]. CITATIONS: 2

10. Li-Min Wang, Chih-Yi Wang, Ciao-Ren Jheng, Syu-Jhan Wu, Chen-Kai Sai, Ya- Ju Lee, Ching-Yu Chiang, and Bor-Yuan Shew (2016, Jul). Characteristics of low resistivity aluminum-doped zinc oxide films deposited at room temperature by off-axis radio-frequency sputtering on flexible plastic substrates. Appl. Phys. A, 122, 731. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. [2017/2018 IF:1.604, PHYSICS, APPLIED: 83/146=57.8%]. CITATIONS: 2

11. Li-Min Wang, Tien-Wei Yang ; Chih-Yi Wang ; Li-Siang Guo ; Liang-Yu Hsiung ; Yuh-Szu Huang (2016, Apr). Fabrication and Characteristics of High-Tc Superconducting/Magnetoresistive Mixed Sensors. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, VOL. 26, NO. 3, p.1800704. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. [2017/2018 IF:1.288, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL&ELECTRONIC, APPLIED: 180/260=69.2%]. CITATIONS: 1

12. Kuen-Lin Chen, Jean-Hong Chen, Su-Hsien Liao, Jen-Je Chieh, Herng-Er Horng, Li-Min Wang, Hong-Chang Yang, (2015, Aug). Magnetic Clustering Effect during the Association of Biofunctionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles with Biomarkers. PLoS ONE, 10, e0135290.. [2017/2018 IF:2.766, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES: 15/64=23.4%]. CITATIONS: 7

13. C. N. Kuo, C. W. Tseng, C. M. Wang, C. Y. Wang, Y. R. Chen, L. M. Wang*, C. F. Lin, K. K. Wu, Y. K. Kuo*, and C. S. Lue* (2015, Apr). Lattice distortion associated with Fermi-surface reconstruction in Sr3Rh4Sn13 . Phys. Rev. B, 91, 165141 . MOST 103-2112-M-006-014-MY3. 本人為通訊作者. [2017/2018 IF:3.813, PHYSICS, CONDENSED MATTER: 18/67=26.9%]. CITATIONS: 21

14. L M Wang*, Chih-Yi Wang, Guan-Min Chen, C N Kuo, and C S Lue* (2015, Mar). Weakly-correlated nodeless superconductivity in single crystals of Ca3Ir4Sn13 and Sr3Ir4Sn13 revealed by critical fields, Hall effect, and magnetoresistance measurements. New Journal of Physics, V17, 033005 . MOST 101-2112-M-002-020-MY2.本人為第一作者、通訊作者. [2017/2018 IF:3.579, PHYSICS, MULTIDISCIPLINARY: 11/78=14.1%]. CITATIONS: 14

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